Kristin Whiting

Kristin Whiting is a mother of three, a former high school English teacher, and a proud donor to MACA since 2008.

“In 2019, 67% of children served in child advocacy centers were under the age of 12. That just struck a chord with me,” Whiting explained. “My three children are under the age of 12. I’ve seen what they need in their lives—the love, support, and guidance. To imagine that kids don’t have that is just heartbreaking. And nevermind that they don’t have that. They’re being abused. It’s horrific!”

Whiting originally learned about MACA from her sister-in-law, Jennifer Saniuk, who serves on MACA’s Board of Directors. Saniuk’s late father, Robert Horowitz, served as a former judge, prosecutor, and champion for children’s and victim’s rights. Horowitz started one of the first Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) in Ohio, then became involved in the National Children’s Alliance, where he served as President.

“He became a pioneer in this field,” Whiting said.

After Horowitz’s passing, Saniuk wanted to honor his legacy and everything he did for children and victims’ rights. She connected with one of MACA’s founding members, and has been a board member since 2007.

“I donate every single year,” Whiting said, “and every time I write a note when I donate that says, ‘In memory of Bob Horowitz.’ This is to keep his memory alive.”

In addition to donating, Whiting enjoys receiving MACA’s regular newsletters and mailings. “They always include a lot of statistics about how many children they’ve helped or how many victims are coming through the child advocacy centers. That really helps a donor realize how much help is needed and how much help is being given. You read the newsletter and think, ‘How could I not donate to this organization?’”

Now that Whiting’s youngest daughter is in kindergarten, she aspires to get more involved with MACA. “Working with MACA is one of the first things I’d love to spend time doing, now that I actually have some. I feel like I always read and hear about their annual conference and their keynote speakers. That’s something I’m very interested in.”

Together, with Whiting and other donors like her, you can help end child abuse. Learn what you can do to ease children’s trauma and provide them the opportunity for a better life.

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